How to configure SiteLock on Shared hosting

SiteLock is a website security and monitoring tool that eliminates cyber threats and keeps websites safe and secure.

Here you will learn how to provide SiteLock with access to your website files with Shared hosting. If you are configuring SiteLock for a website built with EasyWP, please refer to this guide.

In this guide, you will find:


Using SFTP instead of FTP is better for security purposes. Also, it is faster and has less limitations.

Log in to your SiteLock dashboard, press the Configure button of the SMART option on the pop-up window:


Click on the SMART card, and press the Configure button:

NOTE: The free Scan plan does not have a Smart Wizard option.

Configure SMART Database (SMART/DB) Settings

1. Once you configure SMART Wizard, you may go to the SMART Settings:

2. Then navigate to the SMART Database (SMART/DB) Settings to update platform access settings:

3. Make sure that all fields on the page are correctly completed, then click Next.

In Step 2, you will need to fill in the configuration form with your SFTP details in order to complete a scan of your database.

Click Continue check all the provided settings by SiteLock:

You will see the Success pop-up window:


Please note that the FTP connection is not supported on our Business servers. We recommend using SFTP instead. As an option, FTPS can be used.

1. You need to create an FTP account in your cPanel. This requires your username, password, and hostname.

NOTE: Please make sure that the newly created FTP account has no data in the Directory field:

2. Log in to your SiteLock dashboard, press the Configure button of the SMART option on the pop-up window:


Click on the SMART card, and press the Configure button:

NOTE: The free Scan plan does not have a Smart Wizard option.

3. Fill in the configuration form with your FTP details:

Method for File Transfers: FTPS (recommended) or FTP
FTP Host or IP address: your servername or hosting account’s IP address
(S)FTP Port Number: 21
User ID: your FTP account username (the FTP created in the previous step)
Password: your FTP account password

4. Select Test Connection and go to Step 2. You will see a list of folders present in your hosting account. Then you should select the document root of your website (in our example, the website root folder is public_html) and click That`s it:

You will see the following pop-up window:

NOTE: In case you accidentally reloaded the page and can not longer proceed to the "This is it" button to finish configuring the download settings, complete the setup by going to the Settings menu >> Smart Settings >> click Show me the wizard button:

Configure SMART Database (SMART/DB) Settings

1. Once you configure SMART Wizard, you may go to the SMART Settings:

2. Then navigate to the SMART Database (SMART/DB) Settings to update platform access settings:

3. Make sure that all fields on the page are correctly completed, then click Next.

4. In Step 2, you will need to fill in the configuration form with your FTP details of your created FTP account in order to complete a scan of your database. Select the FTPS (recommended) or FTP connection, and enter your FTP details:

5. Select Test Connection and go to Step 3. You will see a list of folders present in your hosting account. Then you should select the document root of your website (in our example, the website root folder is public_html) and click That`s it:

6. You will see the Success pop-up window:

Possible SiteLock errors

Sometimes you may face such errors during SiteLock configuration:

Unable to verify docroot (Shared servers)

Such an error may appear during SMART Wizard configuration using SFTP details. To test the website connectivity, SiteLock creates a test file in the root directory you choose. The inability to access the test file will cause the "Unable to verify docroot" error:

Such issue may come up due to various factors - some of the common causes are:
  • invalid document root (it can be double-checked in the "Domains" menu of cPanel);

  • restrictive permissions on the root directory (they should be set to 750 or 755 in most cases);

  • URL restrictions applied through the .htaccess file located in document root;

  • website inavailability caused by account suspension, Legal & Abuse blocks, or resource issues.

In case the document root is correct, you may click on the "Reactivate" button under the error to force specified settings and finalize the SiteLock configuration.

Max retries exceeded (on VPS/Dedicated servers only)

Such error might come up on VPS/Dedicated Server plans due to SiteLock IPs not being whitelisted. To fix that, you should add the following subnets to the whitelist of your firewall software (CSF is the default firewall on cPanel-based servers), and entries can be added as described here:




In some cases, it may also be caused by FTP server misconfiguration. While we do not provide assistance with FTP/firewall configuration on servers without control panels, it should generally be fixed on cPanel-based servers once steps from the following guide are performed.
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