Private Email account setup on Windows 10

This tutorial will show you how to set up a Namecheap Private Email account in Windows 10 default mail application.
We will be using a test email account

NOTE: Before proceeding, make sure you have a mailbox created.

1. To create a new email account, go to Windows Settings and click Accounts:

2. Go to the Email & app accounts section and click Add an account under Email, calendar, and contacts:

4. In the Choose an account window select Advanced setup and click Internet Email:

5. Enter the following details in corresponding fields:
Email address: full email address
Username: full email address
Password: password for this email account
Account name: name for this email account
Send your messages using this name: name which will be displayed in the From field of sent emails.
Incoming email server: (the same for all subscriptions).
Account type: IMAP4 or POP3
Outgoing (SMTP) email server: (the same for all subscriptions).

The following options should be selected:

  • Outgoing server requires authentication.
  • Use the same username and password for sending email.
  • Require SSL for incoming email.
  • Require SSL for outgoing email.

Once finished, click Sign in.

That's it!

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