EasyWP: List of PHP functions disabled on EasyWP platform

As the performance and security of your WordPress website is important to us, we have disabled the following PHP functions:

  • disk_free_space
  • disk_total_space
  • diskfreespace
  • dl
  • exec
  • fpaththru
  • getmyuid
  • getmypid
  • highlight_file
  • ignore_user_abord
  • ioncube_loader (can be enabled upon request)
  • leak
  • listen
  • link
  • opcache_get_configuration
  • opcache_get_status
  • passthru
  • pcntl_alarm
  • pcntl_fork
  • pcntl_waitpid
  • pcntl_wait
  • pcntl_wifexited
  • pcntl_wifstopped
  • pcntl_wifsignaled
  • pcntl_wexitstatus
  • pcntl_wtermsig
  • pcntl_wstopsig
  • pcntl_signal
  • pcntl_signal_dispatch
  • pcntl_get_last_error
  • pcntl_strerror
  • pcntl_sigprocmask
  • pcntl_sigwaitinfo
  • pcntl_sigtimedwait
  • pcntl_exec
  • pcntl_getpriority
  • pcntl_setpriority
  • php_uname
  • phpinfo
  • posix_ctermid
  • posix_getcwd
  • posix_getegid
  • posix_geteuid
  • posix_getgid
  • posix_getgrgid
  • posix_getgrnam
  • posix_getgroups
  • posix_getlogin
  • posix_getpgid
  • posix_getpgrp
  • posix_getpid
  • posix,_getppid
  • posix_getpwnam
  • posix_getpwuid
  • posix_getrlimit
  • posix_getsid
  • posix_getuid
  • posix_isatty
  • posix_kill
  • posix_mkfifo
  • posix_setegid
  • posix_seteuid
  • posix_setgid
  • posix_setpgid
  • posix_setsid
  • posix_setuid
  • posix_times
  • posix_ttyname
  • posix_uname
  • pclose
  • popen
  • proc_open
  • proc_close
  • proc_get_status
  • proc_nice
  • proc_terminate
  • shell_exec
  • source
  • show_source
  • system
  • virtual

These functions are disabled globally and can’t be enabled for individual websites.

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