EasyWP: How to enable a "Coming soon" page on the website

The Maintenance Page hides the actual website from the visitors while allowing access to the administrators. This is a very useful feature in the cases when the content and design are still in development. With the Managed WordPress hosting there are two convenient options to set up a "Coming soon" message on the website. They are:
  • Using the in-built option;
  • Installing a plugin for a custom visitor message page.
You can check how to install a plugin for an EasyWP website here.

Since choosing and installing the plugin takes some time, you may want to set a quick "Coming soon" page on the website first. Follow the steps below to enable such a page via the EasyWP Dashboard:

1. In the EasyWP Dashboard in your Namecheap account and move to the Overview tab. In the Website section there is an option called Status:

2. Clicking Change next to it will show three different statuses the EasyWP subscription can be set to:
  • Online. This is a default status that indicates that the created website is currently visible for all the visitors.
  • Maintenance Mode. While staying online and accessible for the WordPress admin user, the website is hidden from the visitors on the Internet.
  • Offline. The feature to temporarily turn the website offline and take it down from the Internet completely is in the development. It is not available currently.
Clicking Change again applies to chosen website status:

The website is now hidden from the occasional visitors until the development is finished. They will see this simple message instead:

That's it!

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