API Documentation

Everything you must know in one place

IMPORTANT: Our privacy service provider recently changed to WithheldforPrivacy. We want to avoid service interruption for our API users, so please note that in some cases, you may still see Whoisguard in the API parameter names.


Renews domain privacy protection.

Example Request


Request Parameters

Global parameters are not shown here for clarity, but should be present in all requests

Name Type MaxLength Required? Description
WhoisguardID String 10 Yes Domain privacy ID to renew
Years Number 9 Yes Number of years to renew
Default Value: 1
Number 20 No Promotional (coupon) code for renewing the domain privacy

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApiResponse xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response" Status="OK">
  <Errors />
  <Warnings />
   <CommandResponse Type="namecheap.whoisguard.renew">
      <WhoisguardRenewResult WhoisguardId="38495" Years="1" Renew="true" OrderId="580938" TransactionId="884255" ChargedAmount="6.8000"/>

Response Parameters

Name Description
WhoisGuard ID A unique integer value that represents the domain privacy subscription.
Years Number of years to renew
Renew Renewal status
OrderId A unique integer value that represents the Order
TransactionId A unique integer that represents the Transaction
ChargedAmount Amount charged for the domain privacy renewal.

Error Codes

Specifies the error codes that might be returned from this method

Number Description
2011167 No of years should be max of 9
This domain privacy is not allowed to renew before 30 days of its expiration.So cannot Renew
Order creation failed / validation error
Unhandled exception


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