How to install the Vade Retro Plugin on VPS/Dedicated server with cPanel/WHM

Vade Retro provides an advanced email security and filtering solution. With the new cPanel Plugin it has become even simpler to enhance graymail management, improve email environment and manage subscriptions more efficiently.

It is possible to deploy graymail management in several clicks only.

Installing the Vade Retro Plugin

Before installing the plugin itself, make sure that the remote access key is activated. The remote key is activated if you are able to see the following file. ­ You will need to log into your server via SSH as a root user to check it:


If the file does not exist, log into your WHM, navigate to the Clusters menu and click on Remote Access Key. Once the menu is accessed, no further changes are required, ­ the file will be generated automatically.

Once done, download the Vade Retro cPanel Plugin via this link. Just click on the Download Vade Retro for cPanel button and wait until the desired file is fully downloaded:

The downloaded file will be named in the following format:


Then it should be uploaded to your server root directory. Feel free to do it via SSH or using an FTP client with root access details. Now it is time to have the file extracted. The following command should be run:

tar ­zxvf vaderetro­cpanel­whm­X.X.X­DDMMYY.tar.gz

Run the installation script then:


Allow it some time to be completed. The installation is successful if the following message appears:

The following directories are being deployed once the plugin is installed: ­

  • WHM Plugin at /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/cgi/addons/vaderetro/ ­ 
  • Vade Retro daemons in /usr/bin/ ­ 
  • Default filtering library '' in /var/vaderetro/ ­ 
  • Default configuration files in /etc/vaderetro/ ­ 
  • The RoundCube plugin in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/plugins/unsubcribe/ ­ 
  • The Squirrel plugin in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/squirrelmail/plugins/unsubscribe/ ­ 
  • Vade Retro Graymail Management entry in the Plugins menu in WHM

The installation is over. You can now navigate to the Plugins menu in WHM and click on Vade Retro Graymail Management to access the corresponding menu. You should see the Vade Retro welcome page first.

Then you can apply a corresponding license if there is any (1) or get a free one (2):

NOTE: The Exim configuration has not been modified at this stage yet. The Vade Retro Plugin takes the place of SpamAssassin when you request the license.

That's it!

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