Canceled – Invalid Auth/EPP code – Please contact current registrar to obtain correct key

If you receive this message in your cancellation notice, first make sure that you entered the Auth code correctly.
Please mind that Auth/EPP codes are case-sensitive and may include all special symbols and characters.

An Authorization/EPP code is a transfer security measure, which protects your rights as a domain owner. This code is required when transferring .com, .net, .org, .us, .biz, .info, .me, .co, .io, .ca, .tv, .in, .mobi, .cc, .pe,,,,.tech, .top, .party, .loan, .faith and other new gTLD domain names.
There are three ways to enter the Auth/EPP code when transferring your domain:
  1. Add domain to the cart and paste the code into the dedicated field;
  2. Submit the transfer without Auth/EPP code, and enter it later using the link in the email that is sent to the address associated with your Namecheap account;
  3. Submit the transfer without Auth/EPP code, and enter it as soon as it appears in your Namecheap account - Domain List (via Authorize Transfer option).
Domain transfers cannot proceed until we receive the Auth/EPP code for your domain name.

For security reasons, Auth/EPP codes are periodically updated by the Registrar. In some cases, these updates may not be immediately reflected in the Registry database. If you entered the correct code and the transfer failed with this status, the Auth/EPP code held by your current Registrar may not be in sync with the the code at the Registry. In this case, you must request that your current Registrar synchronizes the code with the Registry.

Once you have the new Auth/EPP code, go to Domains - Transfer page to submit the new transfer.

Refund information

All Namecheap transfers are risk-free. In case of transfer failure, a full refund will be issued to your Namecheap account balance. This information can be found in your Namecheap account Dashboard.

Once all modifications are made and the domain name is prepared for transfer, you may resubmit the transfer at Domain - Transfers page. If you have a credit card or PayPal as a default payment method, make sure you change it to 'Account Funds' in 'Edit Order Details > Change Payment Details' menu before clicking 'Pay Now'.

If you paid for the transfer with a credit card or PayPal and no longer wish to transfer your domain, our Support Team will gladly assist in refunding your payment to the initial source of payment.

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