Canceled – The current registrar has rejected transfer

This status means that the domain transfer was rejected by the current Registrar. This can occur if the domain does not meet the requirements/conditions of your current Registrar or those specified in ICANN's Policy on Transfer of Registrations Between Registrars. Before placing a new transfer order, we suggest you contact your current Registrar to find out the reason your transfer request was denied.

Common examples of reasons for transfer denial:
  • Evidence of fraud
  • UDRP action
  • Court order by a court of competent jurisdiction
  • Reasonable dispute over the identity of the Registered Name Holder or Administrative Contact
  • Non-payment for previous registration period (including credit card charge-backs)
  • Explicit objection to the transfer by the authorized Transfer Contact
  • Transfer requested within 60 days of the creation/previous transfer date as shown in the registry WHOIS record for the domain name.

Keep in mind that for a domain to be transferred successfully, the following conditions must apply:

  • It has been more than 60 days since the initial domain registration or the previous transfer date.
  • The domain is unlocked with the current Registrar (Registrar Lock is disabled).

Refund information

All Namecheap transfers are risk-free. In case of transfer failure, a full refund will be issued to your Namecheap account balance. This information can be found in your Namecheap account Dashboard.

Once all modifications are made and the domain name is prepared for the transfer, you may resubmit the transfer at Domain - Transfers page. If you have a credit card or PayPal as a default payment method, make sure you change it to 'Account Funds' in 'Edit Order Details > Change Payment Details' menu before clicking 'Pay Now'.

If you paid for the transfer with a credit card or PayPal and no longer wish to transfer your domain, our Support Team will gladly assist in refunding your payment to the initial source of payment.

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