How to create separate user accounts in Webuzo Admin panel

If you are using the Webuzo Admin control panel, you can create separate user accounts with limited management rights and access to certain options and settings. In order to do that:

1.Log into your Webuzo Admin account and go to Create New Account menu under the Users section:

2. You will be redirected to the Add User page where you are asked to fill in multiple tabs like adding basic information about the user, defining the account’s resource usage, etc. For example:

If you have added plans then you can choose a plan

If not, you can select options manually by checking the necessary checkbox and you will get the resources to set as per your requirements:

In the Settings tab, you have options to assign Dedicated IP (if available) to domains of the user, grant shell access, and restrict the creation of cron job by tickling Deny Cron option.

If you wish to give the account reseller status tickle the Make reseller checkbox:

Leave the Feature Set as it is or If you created customized features sets then you will see the list of your feature sets in the dropdown list and can grant that features to the user:

3.Once you are satisfied with the account setup, click Save User:

That’s it!

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