Where can I log into my Solus VM

You will receive access details for the VPS management platform in a Welcome email sent to the email address associated with your Namecheap account. Please check your Inbox and Spam/Junk folders.

You can access SolusVM by using the details from the email or via the Namecheap account panel.

Follow the instructions below to log in to Solus VM automatically through your Namecheap account panel.
  1. Sign in to your Namecheap account.
  2. Choose the Hosting List menu in the bar on the left:
  3. You will be redirected to the Hosting Subscriptions page. Find the main domain for the VPS you want to access and click the Go to VPS Panel button:
  4. You can also log in to the VPS Panel from the Dashboard:

    If you chose the Manage button in the previous step, this option is available there too:

  5. You will be redirected to the VM associated with the required domain name:

Feel free to contact our Support Team in case of any questions
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