cPanel Tier pricing for VPS/Dedicated servers

Due to the cPanel policy updates to account-based pricing, cPanel license assigned to VPS and Dedicated servers will have Tier pricing. It means that once you purchase a VPS or Dedicated hosting server along with a cPanel license, you will have a limitation on cPanel accounts creation.

For VPS servers*, the Tiers are as follows:
  1. Solo Tier: 1 account at $10.88/month
  2. Tier One: up to 5 accounts at $15.88/month
  3. Tier Two: 6-30 accounts at $22.88/month
  4. Tier Three: 31-100 accounts at $43.88/month
for Dedicated servers**:
  1. Solo Tier: 1 account at $15.88/month
  2. Tier One: up to 100 accounts at $42.88/month
  3. Tier Two: 101-150 accounts at $52.88/month
  4. Tier Three: 151-200 accounts at $66.88/month
  5. Tier Four: 201-250 accounts at $77.88/month

PLEASE NOTE: If you need more cPanel accounts than your current Tier allows, you can change the Tier or purchase more cPanel accounts by contacting our Billing team via Live Chat or by sending an email to
The Billing/Sales department will issue an invoice. Once the invoice is settled, the new Tier/additional accounts will be assigned to your hosting package.

PLEASE NOTE: Per our policy, additional third-party software licenses (like cPanel) are non-refundable.


*With VPS hosting, you may choose Solo Tier, Tier One and Tier Two during purchase. If you wish to have more cPanel accounts, you can change the limit by switching to Tier Three. If you wish to have more cPanel accounts than Tier Three allows, you can order an additional 50 accounts slot at $15/month by sending an email to

** With Dedicated hosting, you may choose Solo Tier and Tier One during purchase. If you wish to have more cPanel accounts, you can change the limit by switching to Tier Two-Tier Four. If you wish to have more cPanel accounts than Tier Four allows, it is possible to order an additional 250 cPanel accounts slot at $70/month by sending an email to

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