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business email setup
Article type.guide
Business Email Setup - Create Professional Email Today
101 Series, Business Tools & Tips, Small Business Management
Ready to launch your business email? You can use this information to set up your business email. Read this step-by-step guide to find out the different ways you can set up this vital marketing tool.
July 2024
Read time.10 mins
Article type.guide
Marketing a product 101
101 Series, General Marketing, Online Marketing
Get insider tips for promoting a specific product from your brand, including how to put together a marketing strategy.
October 2021
Read time.10 mins
Article type.guide
Brand identity 101
101 Series, General Branding, Web Design & Branding
Wondering what is brand identity? Learn all about this aspect of marketing and how to develop a unique identity for your own brand with Namecheap's experts.
October 2021
Read time.9 mins
Article type.guide
Social media content ideas 101
101 Series, Creating Content, Online Marketing, Social Media
What type of content should you post? Discover the most winning social media content ideas that you can use again and again.
July 2021
Read time.9 mins
Article type.guide
Building a small business 101
101 Series, Getting Started Online, Starting a Business
Learn about every aspect of creating, running, and owning a business, from the brainstorming stage to becoming a fully-fledged startup.
October 2020
Read time.24 mins
Article type.guide
Creating a website 101
101 Series, Building a Website, Getting Started Online, Web Design, Web Design & Branding
From basics like domains and hosting, through to security and design advice, get the knowledge you need to build your first website.
October 2020
Read time.15 mins
Article type.guide
Market Research 101
101 Series, General Marketing, Online Marketing
Assess demand for your products, paint a picture of your customer base, understand what people want most, and so much more.
October 2020
Read time.24 mins
Article type.guide
Marketing analytics 101
101 Series, General Marketing, Online Marketing
Learn all the key basics around how to track and measure your digital marketing channels with our easy guide to online analytics.
October 2020
Read time.34 mins
Article type.guide
Landing pages 101 – how to layout, write, and optimize landing pages
101 Series, Creating Content, Online Marketing, Web Design, Web Design & Branding
Learn which type of landing page would be perfect for your business, and how to build, measure, and optimize it for extra success.
October 2020
Read time.40 mins
Article type.guide
Pay Per Click Advertising 101
101 Series, Online Marketing, Search Engine Marketing
Take a wide-ranging look at all the basics of PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising — from auctions to networks to keywords and beyond.
October 2020
Read time.29 mins
Article type.guide
Email marketing 101
101 Series, Email Marketing, Online Marketing
Learn all the key basics around hitting the right inboxes the right way — from target lists to designs to analytics and beyond.
October 2020
Read time.27 mins
Article type.guide
SEO 101
101 Series, Online Marketing, Search Engine Marketing
Give your website a push up the search engine rankings, and help make sure it gets found by people looking for businesses just like yours.
October 2020
Read time.19 mins
Article type.guide
Affiliate Marketing 101
101 Series, Online Marketing
Learn how to invest your time and resources into the right affiliate marketing strategies, and accumulate streams of passive income.
August 2020
Read time.39 mins

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