How can I request support via email?

Our Support Team is available 24/7 to assist you with any issues or questions you may have. You can contact us via email and receive the help you need whenever you need it.

To expedite the resolution of your request, please select the appropriate email address based on the product you are inquiring about or experiencing issues with. Describe your question or the situation you are facing, and send an email to the chosen address.

Note: If you are an existing customer, please mention your Username and Support Pin in the email to speed up the resolution.

Check out the full list of Namecheap contact information and departments below:


General (to ask or resolve basic general Namecheap-related questions.)

Pre-Sales inquiries (for general questions about our products and services, and to get help with choosing the right product)

Account access (if there are issues with accessing your Namecheap account)

Affiliate Program




Billing/Sales (to get assistance with payment related issues and hosting billing-related cases including hosting cancellation and refund)



Domains (for domain registration, renewal, cancellation questions, DNS or host records setup)

Domain Transfers (to get assistance with domain transfers out and transfers in from other domain registrars)

Hosting (for questions and assistance with Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting packages)


Private Email (including Free Email Forwarding)

Managed WordPress (EasyWP)

Supersonic CDN


Domain Vault

Risk and Abuse

Risk Management

Legal and Abuse (to resolve issues related to suspended or locked Namecheap services)

Note : if you need to file an abuse complaint, please check this article.


By choosing the correct email, your request will be directed to the right team, ensuring a more prompt and precise response.

If you need to attach a file, the following file extensions will be accepted: csv, .doc, .docx, .eml, .jpeg, .jpg, .pdf, .png, .txt, .xls, .xlsx, .wav, .zip.

You can expect a reply within 2 hours. Usually, our response time is quicker than this, however, it could take more time depending on the case details and the complexity of the issue.

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