Free Invitation Maker - Create Invitations Cards
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Something awesome is coming

Create invitations that leave an impression

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Free Invitation Maker
by Namecheap

Group of cards representing multiple types of invitations and an envelope

Browse stylish templates

Select the right template for your occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or holiday party, there are endless invitation templates.

Examples of possible invitation content customizations

Customize it for your occasion

Don’t want to use a template? No problem. Upload your own images, select from a variety of fonts, or use our drag and drop design tool to get the look you want.

Shape of an invitaton and envelope with a download icon and arrows poninting to the righ

Save & share

When ready, simply save your invitation and share it with your friends online. Rather print out your customized invitation? You can do that too!

Invitation Maker logo

Free Invitation Maker coming soon

Invitation Maker is part of Visual, a suite of creative design tools exclusive to Namecheap.

Use Visual to easily create a strong personal brand identity in no time.

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Coming soon: New Visual Suite apps

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