URL Redirect with Parameters

You can use URL Redirect to forward your visitors to a specific page at the destination URL and pass values via query strings to the destination.

The feature is supported on Namecheap BasicDNS, PremiumDNS, and FreeDNS. If your domain name is pointed to one of the listed nameservers sets, you may configure the redirect and include the needed specific parameters to it by following the examples below:

No parameters preconfigured
Redirect to a specific page/folder/subfolder
Redirect with parameters
Redirect with parameters to a specific page/folder/subfolder


1. The value in the destination URL affects where and how the URL is redirected.

2. Each slash in the destination URL will be checked by the system and all parameters you’ve specified will be counted.

3. The domain that’s being taken as an example and redirected is domain.tld.

If you'd like to set the redirect for a subdomain (such as www, test, etc. ), the @ symbol in the Host field should be substituted with the actual subdomain. More information about the subdomains can be found here.

Below you can find more detailed explanation about redirecting your domain/subdomain to a specific page passing values via query strings:

No parameters preconfigured

The domain.tld will not pass any values to the destination URL if you enter just http://destination.tld as the destination value.

No matter what you enter after domain.tld/ in the address bar (e.g., domain.tld/home, domain.tld/xyz.html) you’ll be redirected to http://destination.tld (not to http://destination.tld/home or http://destination.tld/xyz.html).

Example record: Type: URL redirect | Host: @ | Value: http://destination.tld

Redirect to a specific page/folder/subfolder

To redirect your domain to a particular page/folder/subfolder of the destination domain, add a forward slash "/" in the end of your destination URL.

Once you add this special symbol after http://destination.tld >> http://destination.tld/ , the URL domain.tld/xyz.html or domain.tld/home will redirect the users to http://destination.tld/xyz.html or http://destination.tld/home respectively (in case the sub-folder (/xyz.html or /home) exists on destination.tld).

All values that are put into the original URL (domain.tld/anything) will be included in the destination address and applied in the results (http://destination.tld/anything).

Example record: Type: URL redirect | Host: @ | Value: http://destination.tld/

Redirect with parameters

Once you add any parameters to the destination URL (http://destination.tld/?1=2), the query string values (if any) will be combined with parameters of the destination URL and passed then to the destination URL.

The parameters entered in the original URL (/something?a=b) are combined with parameters preconfigured in the Value field (/?1=2).

Thus, to have domain.tld/something?a=b redirected the visitors to http://destination.tld/something?a=b&1=2, the following record is to be added:

Example record: Type: URL redirect | Host: @ | Value: http://destination.tld/?1=2

*1=2 are the parameters here, like lang=en, page=news, id=12345 and they are just placed at the end of the destination URL, this is how /something?a=b&1=2 is created.

Redirect with parameters to a specific page/folder/subfolder

You can also configure a URL redirect record that includes folders/subfolders both of your source and destination URLs. Subfolders you are specifying in the address bar (e.g.,  /example) will be placed before the subfolders specified in destination URL (/page).

All the parameters are combined and placed at the end of the URL.

NOTE: The URL redirect from domain.tld/subfolder to www.destination.tld cannot be configured with the help of URL Redirect on the Namecheap side since forwarding of specific subfolders is possible on the hosting end only.

If you set the destination value to http://destination.tld/page?1=2 and enter the domain.tld/example?a=b address in your browser address bar, you’ll be redirected to a page of the destination.tld where all the parameters of the source and destination URLs are combined (e.g., /page?1=2 - is preconfigured in the destination URL + /example?a=b - you’ve specified that in your original URL).

The page you'll get as a result is http://destination.tld/example/page?a=b&1=2.

Example record: Type: URL redirect | Host: @ | Value: http://destination.tld/page?1=2

That’s it!

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