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Both HTTP GET and POST are supported by this method.


Sets domain control validation (DCV) method(s) for domain(s) in certificate request
Can be used as 'retry' mechanism, by setting the same (currently set) DCV method(s) for domain(s) in certificate request

Example request for multi-domain certificate


Example request for single-domain or wildcard certificate


Request Parameters

Global parameters are not shown here (for clarity), but they should be present in all requests.

Name Type MaxLength Required? Description
CertificateID Number 10 Yes Unique ID of the SSL certificate to set new DCV method for
DCVMethod* String 255 Yes DCV method to validate domain control with
DNSNames** String 3500 Yes Comma-separated list of domain names to set new DCV method for
 DCVMethods**  String 3500 Yes Comma-separated list of DCV methods to validate domain control with

* - DCVMethod should be used when changing DCV method for single-domain certificates
** - DNSNames and DCVMethods should be used when changing DCV method for multi-domain certificates

editDCVMethod can only be used when certificate activation or reissue was started but the certificate is not issued yet, (certificate getInfo status "PURCHASED").
Running this command on certificates with other status will produce a "Status is invalid" error

Possible values for DCVMethod and DCVMethods and description of methods
  • HTTP_CSR_HASH - validate domain control by uploading a text file to the site's public directory. File name and file content are returned in editDCVMethod response <FileName> and <FileContent>. This method is not available for Wildcard certificates.
  • CNAME_CSR_HASH - validate domain control by creating a CNAME record in the domain's DNS settings. CNAME record values are returned in editDCVMethod response <HostName> and <Target>
  • admin@example.com - validate domain control by receiving an email from the Certificate Authority, clicking a link and entering a DCV code. Only emails returned by getApproverEmailList can be used. Using custom emails will result in error
Learn more on domain control validation (DCV)→

Example response for multi-domain certificate

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApiResponse Status="OK" xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response">
 <CommandResponse Type="namecheap.ssl.editDCVMethod">
  <SSLEditDCVMethodResult ID="897918" IsSuccess="true">
   <HttpDCValidation ValueAvailable="true">
    <FileContent><![CDATA[DBE4528C4E70301286E5368B52760B385341BA3C8534537F8C2F5AC674230066 comodoca.com 59a7e83a9404f]]></FileContent>
   <DNSDCValidation ValueAvailable="true">
    <Domains Name="example.com" IsSuccess="true" DCVMethodSet="CNAME_CSR_HASH"/>
    <Domains Name="example.net" IsSuccess="true" DCVMethodSet="HTTP_CSR_HASH"/>
    <Domains Name="example.org" IsSuccess="true" DCVMethodSet="admin@example.org"/>

Example response for single-domain or wildcard certificate

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ApiResponse Status="OK" xmlns="http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response">
 <CommandResponse Type="namecheap.ssl.editDCVMethod">
  <SSLEditDCVMethodResult ID="893024" IsSuccess="true">
   <HttpDCValidation ValueAvailable="true">
    <FileContent><![CDATA[DBE4528C4E70301286E5368B52760B385341BA3C8534537F8C2F5AC674230066 comodoca.com 59a7ea09227de]]></FileContent>
   <DNSDCValidation ValueAvailable="false">

Response Parameters

Name Description
 ID  The unique integer value that represents the SSL certificate
 IsSuccess  Indicates whether the SSL certificate is activated
 HttpDCValidation ValueAvailable  Indicates whether HTTP_CSR_HASH was set as DCV method for at least one domain. Possible values: True, False.
 FileName  File name for the text file to be used for HTTP DCV
 FileContent  File content for the text file to be used for HTTP DCV
 DNSDCValidation ValueAvailable  Indicates whether CNAME_CSR_HASH was set as DCV method for at least one domain.  Possible values: True, False.
 HostName  Values for the left part of CNAME record (alias)
 Target  Values for the right part of CNAME record (CNAME)
 Domains  Block that list domains in a multi-domain certificate request, command execution result and DCV method set for each domain
 Domains Name  Domain name in a multi-domain certificate affected by editDCVMethod command execution
 IsSuccess  Indicates whether DCV method change was successful
 DCVMethodSet  Indicates DCV method set for the domain

Error Codes

Number Description
 2010294  Parameter CertificateID is Missing
 2013294  Parameter CertificateID is TooLong
 2011294  Parameter CertificateID is Invalid
 2013294  Parameter DNSNames is TooLong
 2013294  Parameter DCVMethod is TooLong
 2013294  Parameter DCVMethods is TooLong
 Insufficient data to edit dcvalidation method
 2011784  DNSNames or DCVMethods cannot be sent along with DCVMethod
 2010784  DNSNames or DCVMethods is missing to edit dcv method for this multi domain certificate
 2011767  There is no dnsnames or mismatch in the dnsnames provided during previous activation.Please check dnsnames and try again.
 2010784  DCVMethod is missing to edit dcv method for this single domain certificate
 2011331  Status is Invalid
 The DNSNames and their corresponding DCVMethods are not equal
 3011295  DCVMethod is invalid
 3011784  DCVMethod for the DomainName %1$s is not valid.Please provide valid DCVMethod in DCVMethods parameter for this DomainName
 2011301  We\'re sorry, the requested SSL type has been discontinued
 3011295  Error From Certificate Provider
 3011784  Due to CA/B Forum regulations, HTTP DCV method is not allowed for Wildcard certificates
 4011331  Unable to update DCV filerecords in database. Please try again.


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