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Domains, Hosting, Products

Why consolidating online products is a smart move

Making every dollar count is always a top priority for small businesses. So is making the most of your security, for less. And businesses can always benefit from greater efficiency and simplicity. So it’s always surprising to see so many small businesses and web professionals compromise these areas by having their domains, web hosting, and other products like SSL certificates with different providers. 

In fairness, I can understand the thought process. The web products market was traditionally segmented, with domain name specialists and hosting providers often seen as separate entities. But that’s in the past. Even Namecheap (with a brand name that screams “affordable domain names”) has long since diversified into many other products.  

Many people think they need to keep their hosting and domains separate. But why? A big factor is a misconception that having domains and hosting with different companies mitigates risk. Some believe that if something goes wrong or there’s a security breach in one area, it won’t affect the rest.

That’s a sound idea in principle, but is it true in practice? 

Let’s explore this question in detail and consider why small businesses should consolidate digital products with a single provider.

Improve security

When you have multiple providers juggling multiple products, you also have numerous account details and passwords to keep track of.  With a single provider, you can protect your products with a more robust and comprehensive security plan. Security and software updates can also be more easily rolled out across your entire digital estate. 

Think about it, would a shepherd leave their sheep spread out in multiple fields to protect them, or keep them together? The answer is obvious. It’s just a question of finding a provider that’s dedicated to taking customer security seriously at all times. 

Enhanced technical support

Consolidating your online products with one single provider also streamlines your technical support. Multiple providers means multiple support teams, and when something goes wrong, it means multiple headaches. 

If one part of your site goes down, it means the whole thing will most likely hit the brakes too. If something goes wrong, it’s not always clear exactly where the problem is. You may have to contact different providers’ support teams just to figure out what needs fixing — let alone discover how to fix it. And all of that time you spend bouncing between different providers’ tech support is time that your site isn’t working properly. 

With one single provider that’s putting customer service first, you can contact a single support team for all of your products and get help quickly and efficiently 24/7. 

Simplify management

It’s a common myth that having your hosting and domain with different providers is better. But if you can find the right hosting and domain provider in one go, why wouldn’t you simply take care of them together? 

Consolidating your online products with one single provider makes it easier to manage your online presence. Instead of juggling multiple logins and dashboards, you can manage your products in one place. If you have a team, you only have to manage one login, not several, for each person. 

Overall this approach can save you time and make it easier to keep track of your online products. 

Save money

There are many ways to save money as a small business. Consolidation not only makes it easier to run your site, but it can also reduce your overall expenses.

Many providers will offer bundle deals that include multiple products at a discounted price. By consolidating your products, you can take advantage of these deals and save money on your online products. 

The message should be loud and clear for small businesses looking to squeeze every last drop of value out of their budgets: consolidate and save. 

Is it time to consolidate?

Consolidating your online products with one single provider can be a major benefit for your small businesses, helping you make money online, for less. It simplifies management, saves money, improves security, streamlines technical support, and allows for better integration of different products. By choosing one provider for your online products, you can ensure that your online presence is streamlined, secure, and cost-effective. By bringing your digital world together, you can actually help it grow. 

And remember: not all providers are the same. Make sure you choose the right one for your needs. Look for great customer service, product variety, and cost. Need a place to start? Namecheap’s got you covered.

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Jackie Dana

Jackie has been writing since childhood. As the Namecheap blog’s content manager and regular contributor, she loves bringing helpful information about technology and business to our customers. In her free time, she enjoys drinking copious amounts of black tea, writing novels, and wrangling a gang of four-legged miscreants. More articles written by Jackie.

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Tech Beat by Namecheap – 10 February 2023

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